1 - Everyone said that the third term of CreComm is the hardest, but holy shit they could have told me a few more times so that I took it seriously.
I think I'm going to need extra physio and chiropractor appointments to accomodate the "I'm carrying a camera, tripod, lighting kit, audio kit, purse, laptop, and binder" back problems. My goodness.
Pray for sunshine for 2 more weeks. I want to do outdoor interviews. The life of a CreComm... sigh.
2 - I accidentally decapitated my new owl. Sorry budday.
3 - I have been given strict doctors orders to not play Ultimate for another 4 - 5 weeks. Or more. Unless I want knee surgery. Bring on the winter weight!!
Okay I'll stop being whiney. Only if you serve me cupcakes in bed. Thanks friend.